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June 27, 2014

Review: Wyders Dry Pear Hard Cider

by Jeff Ellingson

wyders hard cider - CopyWyders Dry Pear Hard Cider is one of four ciders now produced in Middlebury Vermont by the Vermont Hard Cider Company, the makers of Woodchuck Hard Cider.  The other flavors include a Dry Raspberry, Dry Apple and a Reposado Pear which is available on draft only.  Wyders was originally created in Vancouver Canada in 1987 by Ian Wyder.  Dry Pear is made with hard cider and pear juice and bottled at 4% alcohol.It pours to a pale straw color with medium carbonation.  The aroma is fresh pressed pear.  The flavor is a crisp natural pear peaking at tart before a semi dry finish with a hint of pear skin.  This is a fresh tasting cider that actually tastes as if it was made from fresh pears and not just pear flavoring.  Wyder’s has created a very refreshing cider that can be enjoyed year round but it really hits the spot on a hot summer day.

Made in Middlebury Vermont

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Grade 93  Award Gold Medal

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