Review: Ketel One Citroen Vodka
Ketel One Citroen vodka was introduced in 2000. The Nolet family has been distilling vodka for ten generations at their distillery in Schiedam Holland. It is made with 100% GMO free European wheat. They start with a column distillation process with a portion redistilled in small batches in copper pot stills. Each batch is individually charcoal filtered. It is then blended with the column distilled vodka and water. The vodka then rests in tile lined tanks until it is ready. The vodka is then infused with the natural oils essence of Southern European and West African lemons and two varieties of Caribbean limes before bottling at 80 proof. Read more
Review: Three Olives Blueberry Vodka
Three Olives Blueberry vodka was just introduced along with a Pineapple and Peach flavor bringing their vodka count up to 30 varieties. It is made with English winter wheat and water from Lake Vyrnmy. It is quadruple distilled and triple charcoal filtered. Natural blueberry flavor is infused before bottling at 70 proof. Read more
Review: Grey Goose Le Citron Vodka
Grey Goose Le Citron vodka was introduced January 2002. It was their first flavored vodka. They now produce five flavors. It is made in France with soft winter wheat grown on farms in Northern France. It is distilled once using a five column distillation process. Pristine spring water that has been naturally filtered through Champaign limestone from the Cognac region of France is blended with the vodka before it is filtered through cellulose and carbon. Lemons grown in Brazil, Argentina, and the Menton region of France are delivered to a parfumerie where the flavors and aromas are extracted. These oils are then blended with their original vodka. Menton lemons are grown in the South of France and are larger and thicker skinned than North and South American lemons. The flavor is also milder and less acidic. Read more
Review: Absolut Citron Vodka
Absolut Citron vodka was introduced in the US in 1988, nine years after they launched their original unflavored vodka and two years after they launched their first flavored vodka, Peppar. Citron was the second flavored vodka Absolut created, and the first citrus flavored vodka on the market. It is one of twenty flavored vodkas Absolut currently crafts for the US market. They start with Swedish winter wheat sourced from 450 local farms and pure deep well water from naturally filtered aquifers in Ahus Sweden. A continuous distillation process is used and all natural flavors including lemon and lime are infused. No sugar is added before bottling at 80 proof. Read more
Review: Pearl Orange Vodka
Pearl Orange vodka is one of 16 vodka flavors they craft in micro batches in Alberta Canada. While they recently introduced three new flavors, they dropped five and redesigned their packaging. Pearl Orange starts with pure water from Canadian Rocky Mountain streams and soft Canadian winter wheat. It is distilled five times and filtered six times before natural flavors are infused. Read more
Review: Svedka Citron Vodka
Svedka Citron vodka was introduced as a 75 proof vodka. Svedka changed the recipe and they now bottle this flavor at 70 proof. This review is for the 35% alcohol version. Each 750ml bottle is made with four pounds of Swedish winter wheat. A continuous distillation process is used before the vodka is run through high performance purification columns five separate times to remove impurities. Ice cold water from Swedish springs is then blended with the vodka before the juice from California lemons and Mexican limes are infused. Read more
Review: Svedka Citron Vodka 75 Proof
Svedka Citron vodka was introduced in 2005. At the time it was bottled at 75 proof. It is currently bottled at 70 proof. As my regular readers know I built a collection of over 600 spirits before I launched Best Tasting Spirits. My goal was to post a new review every day for at least the first two years. Because I waited I now have a bottle of the old and new Svedka Citron. After tasting both there appears to be more then just a difference in alcohol content, so I will review each of them. This review is for the 75 proof version. Four pounds of Swedish winter wheat is needed to craft each 750ml bottle. A continuous distillation process is used prior to the vodka is run through high performance purification columns five separate times to remove impurities. Ice cold water from Swedish springs is then blended with the vodka before natural citrus flavor is infused. Read more
Review: Three Olives Mango Vodka
Three Olives Mango vodka was introduced September 2006. It is one of 28 flavors Three Olives currently crafts with English winter wheat and water from Lake Vyrnmy. It is quadruple distilled and triple charcoal filtered. Natural mango flavor is infused before bottling at 70 proof. Read more
Review: UV Apple Vodka
UV Apple Vodka was introduced in 2008. It is one of 22 vodka varieties UV creates with Midwest grown yellow corn and purified water from deep aquifers in Princeton Minnesota. It is distilled four times and then filtered with activated carbon. Natural flavors including Granny Smith apple are blended before bottling at 60 proof. Read more
Review: Iceberg Icefusion Crème Brulee Vodka
Iceberg Icefusion Crème Brulee vodka was introduced October 2013 along with a Chocolate Mint, and Cucumber flavor. It is made with Canadian grown corn and pure water melted from icebergs harvested after they have naturally separated from their mother iceberg. This water has been frozen for 12,000 years and it is 7000 times more pure than tap water. Natural flavors are infused before bottling at 70 proof. Read more