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Posts tagged ‘flavored vodka’


Review: Three Olives Chocolate Vodka

Three Olives Chocolate vodka - CopyThree Olives Chocolate vodka was introduced July 2003 along with their Orange flavor.  They were their fifth and sixth flavors.  Three Olives currently has 28 flavors, with more to follow.  It is quadruple distilled in small batches with English Winter wheat and water from Lake Vyrnmy in Wales and then triple charcoal filtered.  Natural chocolate flavor is infused in Lawrenceburg Indiana where it is bottled at 70 proof. Read more »


Review: 44 North Rainier Cherry Vodka

44 North Rainier Cherry vodka - Copy44 North Rainier Cherry vodka is one of five vodkas they craft in Idaho.  The other’s include Idaho Potato, Magic Valley Wheat, Sunny Slope Nectarine, and Mountain Huckleberry.  It is distilled using a five column distillation process with 100% Idaho Burbank and Russet potatoes blended with Rocky Mountain water from the Snake River aquifer.  All-natural Rainer cherries are steeped for ten days and infused before bottling at 70 proof. Read more »


Review: Deep Eddy Lemon Vodka

Deep Eddy Lemon - CopyDeep Eddy Lemon vodka was launched in December at their new 30,000 square foot distillery in Dripping Springs Texas.  They have since started a National roll out.  It is crafted with sweet corn and spring water from deep aquifers in Texas Hill country.  Deep Eddy is column distilled ten times in a 20 foot column still before it is slowly filtered six times over charcoal.  Real lemon juice is infused before bottling at 70 proof. Read more »


Review: Jeremiah Weed Sweet Tea Vodka

Jeremiah Weed sweet tea vodka - CopyJeremiah Weed Sweet Tea vodka was introduced in 2009.  They later added a peach sweet tea and bourbon sweet tea flavor.  Very little information is available about this product as Diageo has changed the focus of the Jeremiah Weed Brand, to their Sarsaparilla, Spiced, and Cinnamon American blended whiskey.         Read more »


Review: Belvedere Wild Berry Vodka

belvedere wild berry vodka - CopyBelvedere Wild Berry Vodka was just introduced.  It is one of 10 vodka varieties they currently craft in Poland with Dankowskie rye and pure Artisian well water.  The water is sourced from their own wells and it undergoes an 11 step purification process that includes reverse osmosis.  The vodka is distilled four times and then filtered twice, first through carbon, and then a finer mechanical filtration.  Polish strawberries and American blueberries are gently soaked for up to five weeks.  The flavors and aromas are extracted in a process called maceration.  These essential oils are then blended with the vodka.  No sugar or artificial flavor is added before bottling at 80 proof. Read more »


Review: Pearl Grape Vodka

Pearl grape - CopyPearl Grape vodka is one of 18 flavored vodka’s they craft in micro batches in Alberta Canada with pure water from Canadian Rocky Mountain streams and soft Canadian winter wheat.  It is distilled 5 times and filtered 6 times before natural flavors including dark purple Concord grapes are infused. Read more »


Review: Pinnacle Banana Vodka

pinnacle banana vodka - CopyPinnacle Banana vodka is one of eight vodka flavors they introduced in 2008.  While Pinnacle currently features over 40 flavors on their website, Banana no longer appears, so availability is limited.  Pinnacle crafts their vodka with French grown wheat and pure French spring water.  The vodka is distilled five times before it is shipped to Frankfort Kentucky where all natural flavors are blended before bottling at 70 proof. Read more »


Review: Three Olives Orange Vodka

Three olives orange - CopyThree Olives Orange vodka was introduced July 2003 with their Chocolate flavor.  They were their fifth and sixth flavors.  Three Olives currently has 28 flavors, with more to follow.  It is quadruple distilled with English wheat and water from Lake Vyrnmy in Wales and then triple charcoal filtered at the G&J Greenalls distillery.  Natural orange flavor is blended in Lawrenceburg Indiana where it is bottled at 70 proof. Read more »


Review: Pearl Peach Vodka

Pearl Peach - CopyPearl Peach vodka is one of 18 flavored vodka’s they craft in micro batches in Alberta Canada with pure water from Canadian Rocky Mountain streams and soft Canadian winter wheat.  It is distilled five times and filtered six times before natural flavors including fresh peach are infused. Read more »


Review: Smirnoff Grape Vodka

Smirnoff grape - CopySmirnoff Grape vodka was introduced in 2008 and it was originally called Smirnoff with a twist of White Grape.  It was their twelfth vodka flavor.  They now create 35 flavors with their Recipe 21 vodka as a base.  Recipe 21 is made with Midwest grown grain and it is triple distilled and filtered ten times.  Natural flavors are infused before bottling at 70 proof. Read more »