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Posts tagged ‘Misadventure Vodka’


Review: Misadventure Vodka

Misadventure Vodka is the first spirit in the world to be made from surplus baked goods, making Misadventure the first carbon negative spirit.  It all started with a chance meeting between Whit Rigali and Samuel Chereskin.  Whit the bartender, wanted to create local Southern California spirits and Sam the agricultural economist wanted to find ways to improve the food system.  Currently 40% of the food made in the US is never eaten.  If food waste were a country it would be the third largest contributor of green house gases behind the US and China.  After four years of R&D in a cramped garage Misadventure Vodka was born.  Once a week Samuel takes a van to a local food bank and picks up a load of a thousand pounds of bread products the food bank can no longer give away because they are past the sell by date.  This includes Twinkies, cupcakes, donuts, cookies, and bread.  Each 750 ml bottle of Misadventure Vodka contains about 2 pounds of baked goods.  When the bread products arrive at the distillery they are blended with water and yeast to ferment.  Once fermented it is distilled 12 times and carbon filtered over 180 times.  It is then bottled with zero additives.  Read more »