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Posts tagged ‘Newport Craft Vodka’


Review: Newport Craft Vodka

Newport Craft Vodka is no longer produced at Newport Craft Distilling Co. Very little information is available about this vodka so when we had the opportunity to pick up a bottle of vodka produced by this distillery we assumed we would receive a bottle of their flagship White Squall vodka.  Well, you know what they say happens when you assume.  The history of NCD starts in 1999 when Brent Ryan and Derek Luke founded Newport Storm Brewery.  In 2006 they were granted the first distilling license in Rhode Island since 1872.  Brendan O’Donnell led an investment group the acquired the company in 2017, and in 2019 they rebranded as Newport Craft Brewing and Distilling Co.  Unlike their current vodka White Squall, which is distilled from 100% corn, Newport Craft Vodka was distilled from 100% cane sugar. Read more »