Review: Rewired Hard Seltzer
Perrin Brewing Company has just released Rewired Hard Seltzer. This replaces the Clear Coast Fresh Hard Seltzer brand they launched in 2019. Not only has the hard seltzer been reformulated but they have repurposed printed cans to continue packing the freshest seltzer due to the aluminum shortage. Perrin Brewing Company opened in 2012 and it is now part of Canarchy, a Craft Brewery Collective. Other members of Canarchy include Oskar Blues Brewery, Cigar City Brewing, Squatters Craft Beers, Wasatch Brewery, and Deep Ellum Brewing Co. Five of the six members craft their own hard seltzer. Rewired is currently only available in Michigan, but with 400 breweries in Michigan, 6th most in the US, it sounds like Michigan is a thirsty state. Rewired is made from a cane sugar alcohol base with natural flavors. The previously released Clear Coast Fresh Hard Seltzer was made from a malt base. Read more